Wednesday 1 December 2010

CN Tower, Canada

Glass Floor

The Facts:

Thickness: 2 ½ "

Size of each panel: 42" by 50"


Layers from the top down:

■ 3/16 " scuff plate (replaced annually)

■ Two ½ " layers of clear tempered glass, laminated together

■ A one inch layer of air (for insulation)

■ Two ¼ " layers of clear tempered glass, laminated together


Load tests are performed annually on each panel to ensure safety


 With a view 1,122' straight down, even those not afraid of heights

might need a little help. Think you can handle it? Wait till you get

here and see if you feel the same way.

 The Glass Floor has been specifically designed for you to have fun

on it, so walk or crawl across it, sit on it or even jump on it.

Don't worry it won't break.

The floor is 256 square feet of solid glass that is five times stronger

than the required weight bearing standard for commercial floors. It can

actually withstand the weight of 14 large hippos.

 Also on this level, be sure to check out the Outdoor Observation Level.

Feel the breeze at 342m (1,122') above the ground.

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